
In 2021 I was invited by Associate Professor of Graphic design at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Ane Thon Knutsen, to participate in her project ”Typographic Terms Illustrated” (Typografiske Begreper Illustrert). Ane invited nineteen participants, all with different backgrounds and approaches to letterpress and typography, me being the only one with a degree in calligraphy as part of my background. The other contributors were graphic designers, illustrators, typographers, book designers, professors in design, and a couple of design students. We all had to choose one typographic term, write a short description of the term and then, the fun part, spend a day in Ane’s studio using her type and press to create an illustration of our chosen term. I chose the term “ligatures” but as I began rummaging around in type-drawers to find ligatures, I decided to narrow it down to my favorite ligature, the Ampersand! The project resulted in a web-page and an exhibition at Grafill – Norwegian Organisation for Visual Communication.
You can read my article on Ampersands (in Norwegian) here