Logos & monograms
Logo Ingrid Prestesæter
Logo and symbol for handbag designer Ingrid Prestesæter. (2021)
You can view more of Ingrids handbags here: https://www.ingridp.com/
Wedding monograms
Handwritten texts in books
Protocol for registering donations, commissioned by the Oslo Cathedral School Library. New pages are added every time the library receives a new gift.
Heinesen publishing in Norway was going to republish the first book about Babar in a new, re-translated Norwegian version, and wanted the text in the book to look as close to the French original as possible. All texts were handwritten and delivered as digital files ready for the book designer to use.
in-store events
Every now and again different brands need someone to come in and write personalised greetings to their customers, often in connection with Mothers Day, Valentines Day or Christmas events.


Handwritten certificates & diplomas

Several institutions and societies commission handwritten certificates and diplomas. Sometimes they commission for the whole piece to be hand written and sometimes there is a printed version which needs to be filled in with the correct information.